To further assist you with your workshop experience, this journal is being provided. Listed are some suggestions of pictures for names. Use these, or feel free to create your own representative image. Be sure to add action and emotion.
The common “ah”-sound ending many names (ex. Hannah & Micah) could be created by picturing image in or coming out of mouth. Like at DR’s office saying “aaahh”. Do the same type of thing with other common sounds or endings. This Journal lists letter “E”. Create your own image for “E” to link with picture. Possibly the image falling from their face to their KNEES’s. Others are ton as in weight (ex. Keaton). Tin as in metal.
Name | Image |
Aaron | AIR GUN or an IRON |
Abbott | A PET |
Abby | A BEE stinging her nose |
Abe | APE |
Abel | A BELL around his neck |
Abigail | BIG bottle of ginger ALE |
Abraham | ABRAHAM Lincoln |
Abram | A BROOM |
Abrams | BROOMS |
Ackerman | HACKER MAN |
Adam | A DAM |
Addie | ADD ?D?s |
Addison | ADDition sign in the SUN |
Adrian | A bathtub DRAIN |
Adriana | A’ DRY ANT |
Al | OWL |
Alan | LENS magnifying his nose |
Albert | OWL and a BIRD |
Alec | LICKING him |
Alejandro | OWL as a HAND |
Alex | AN OWL LICKING his face |
Alexander | LEG SANDER |
Alexandra | LICK SAND RAW |
Alexis | LEXUS |
Alfonzo | An ‘L’ on the FONZ |
Alfred | OWL that is RED in his hair |
Alice | Blowing nose in A LACE |
Alicia | LEASH around her neck |
Allen | ALLEN wrench |
Allison | OWL in the SUN |
Alonzo | An OWL that SEWS |
Alvin | OWL with a FIN |
Alyssia | LIST filled with ‘A’ |
Amanda | MANTA ray |
Amber | Eyes flashing AMBER lights |
Amelia | She eating A MEAL |
Amos | MOSS patch on his nose |
Amy | Bulls eye (AIM)on her face |
Anders | ANTLERS |
Anderson | ANT burned up in the SUN |
Andrea | A HAND DRYER blowing |
Andrew | ANT DRAWING on his face |
Andy | ANT falling to knees |
Angela | JELL-O halo on her head |
Angelina | ANGEL LEANING |
Angie | ANT on a G |
Anita | ANT EATER |
Ann | ANT or Raggedy ANN doll |
Anna | Raggedy ANN in mouth |
Annette | A NET over her entire body |
Annie | Little orphan ANNIE singing |
Anthony | SYMPHONY of ANTs |
Antonio | ANT on a TOENAIL |
April | APE ROLLing or calendar = Showers ? with umbrella |
Ariel | TV AERIAL antenna |
Armstrong | Flexing his STRONG ARM |
Arnold | ARM HOLD |
Art | ARTist |
Arthur | AUTHOR |
Ashburn | ASHES BURNING the chin |
Ashley | ASHES of LEAVES burning |
Aubrey | OWL eating BRIE cheese |
Audrey | LAUNDRY |
August | GUST of wind |
Austin | OSTrich made of TIN or city |
Avery | IVORY |
Avis | A VEST |
Bailey | BAILY’s Irish Cream |
Baker | BAKER |
Barb | Fish hook stuck in her ear |
Barbara | BARBED-WIRE wrapped |
Barbie | BARBIE doll |
Barnes | BARNS |
Barnett | BAR with a NET |
Barney | Dinosaur or BARN on KNEE |
Barry | BERRIES across face |
Bart | PART |
Becky | Being PECKED with a KEY |
Belinda | BELL in a WINDOW |
Bell | BELL |
Ben | Pen or Big BEN |
Benjamin | $100 bills (Benjamin’s) |
Bennett | PENDANT |
Berman | BURN a MAN |
Bernadette | BURN A NET |
Bert | BERT from Sesame Street |
Bertha | BIRTH |
Beth | BATHTUB |
Betsy | Sewing a Flag (Betsy Ross) |
Betty | BETTY Boop or a cookbook |
Beverly | BEAVer chewing on leaves |
Bill | Duck BILLS or dollar BILLS |
Billy | BILLY goat eating his hair |
Blaine | PLANE landing on his nose |
Blair | HAIR or FLARE with big ‘B’ |
Blake | FLAKE |
Bobby | BOBBY pins in his eyes |
Bonnie | BONNET tied around head |
Borden | Milk or BOARDING |
Boyd | BOY holding a ‘D’ |
Brad | BRAD pushing into head |
Bradford | BRAD in a FORD |
Bradley | Loaf of BREAD w/ LEAVES |
Bradshaw | BREAD & SHAWL |
Brady | BRAID an ‘E’ |
Brandon | BRANDing N on face |
Brenda | Bread in her mouth (aahhh) |
Brendon | TON of BREAD on head |
Brennan | Brim of cup & nun |
Brent | BENT over |
Brett | Hair BARRETTE |
Brian | BRAIN on top of head |
Brianna | BRIE cheese w/ BANANA |
Bridget | Bridge over her head |
Britney | Spears or BRICK on KNEE |
Brittany | BRITTANY Spears dancing |
Brooke | BROOK or book |
Brooks | Many BROOKS or BOOKS |
Brown | The color BROWN |
Bruce | His face has a BRUISE |
Bryan | BRAIN on top of his head |
Bryant | ANT with a PRY bar |
Bubba | Giant BUBBLE |
Buchanan | BLUE CANNON |
Bud | BUDweiser or rose BUD |
Buddy | Rose BUD opening an ‘E’ |
Bunny | Bugs BUNNY |
Burgess | BIRD CHEST |
Burton | BIRD that weighs a TON |
Bush | BUSH |
Butler | BUTLER |
Byrne | BURN |
Byron | BARN |
Caitlin | GATE made of TIN |
Caldwell | Icy COLD WELL |
Caleb | ?K? on ear lobe |
Callahan | COW HAND |
Calvin | COW driving a VAN |
Cameron | CAMARO or a CAMERA |
Camille | CAMEL |
Campbell | CAMPBELL’S soup can |
Candace | Soda CAN that can DANCE |
Candy | CANDY wrapper |
Cara | CAR out of mouth |
Carin | CAR IN her face |
Carl | Body builder doing CURLs |
Carla | CAR in her mouth |
Carlos | CAR with LACE |
Carlson | SUN with CURLS |
Carlton | CAR filled w/ TON weights |
Carly | CAR wearing LEE jeans |
Carmen | CAR full of MEN |
Carmichael | CAR with MICHAEL (angel) |
Carol | CAR ROLLing |
Carol Ann | CAR ROLL on ANT/ Ragdoll |
Carolyn | Singing CAROLS |
Carpenter | CARPENTER / builder |
Carrie | CARRYING a large ?E? |
Carson | CAR driving into the SUN |
Carter | Jimmy Carter or GARTER |
Cary | CARRYING a large ?E? |
Casey | suitCASE with ?E? on it |
Cassandra | COT with SAND on it |
Cassidy | CAST of TEA or Hopalong |
Cassie | CAST with the letter ‘C’ |
Castellano | CAST of LOTTO tickets |
Catherine | CALF RUNning |
Cathy | CAT drinking TEA |
Cavanaugh | Gnawing on a CAVE |
Cecil | SEAL |
Cecilia | Head on CEILING |
Cedric | SEED on a BRICK |
Celeste | SEAL in a CHEST |
Celina | SEAL that is LEANING |
Chad | Group CHAT or chad/fish |
Chamberlain | CHAMBER in a LANE |
Chambers | CHAMBER |
Chandler | CHANDELIER |
Charlene | CHAIR LEANing |
Charles | CHARCOALS burning |
Charlie | CHARLIE Brown |
Charlotte | WEB and spider |
Charlton | CHARCOAL weighs TON |
Charmaine | CHARDONNAY wine |
Chase | They are CHASING you |
Chelsea | SHELLS in SEA |
Cher | CHAIR |
Cherilyn | CHAIR covered in LINT |
Cherry | CHERRY |
Cheryl | CHAIR on a RAIL |
Chester | CHEST of DRAWERS |
Chloe | CLOVER |
Chris | CROSS on his forehead |
Chrissie | CRISPY or CROSS w/?E? |
Christina | CROSS of TUNA |
Christine | CROSS made of TIN |
Christopher | CROSS of FUR |
Chuck | WoodCHUCK / ground beef |
Cindy | CINDER block on her head |
Claire | Chocolate eCLAIRE |
Clarence | CLARINET that will DANCE |
Clarissa | CLAW on WRIST |
Clark | CLARK bar or Dick CLARK |
Claude | CLOUD or CLAWED |
Claudia | Rain CLOUDS in her mouth |
Clay | CLAY pot over his head |
Clayton | CLAY jar weighs a TON |
Cliff | CLIFF |
Clifford | CLIFFORD the big red dog |
Clifton | CLIFF that weighs a TON |
Clint | LINT coming out of his ears |
Clinton | TON of LINT out of his ears |
Clyde | CLYDEsdale horse |
Cody | COAT tied on his face |
Colby | COAL with a BEE on it |
Cole | COAL as eyes |
Coleman | COAL miner (Coal Man) |
Colette | COAL LIT on fire |
Colleen | COLLIE LEANing on face |
Collin | CALLING on phone |
Collins | Drinking a Tom COLLINS |
Colton | COLT made out of TIN |
Connie | CONVICT on his KNEES |
Connor | CORNER sticking from face |
Cooper | Mini-COOPER car |
Cora | Apple CORE in mouth |
Corey | Apple CORE with a big ‘E’ |
Corina | CORONA beer or CORE in |
Courtney | Hitting KNEES w/ gavel |
Craig | CRACK down his nose or YOUR INSTRUCTOR |
Crawford | CRAWFISH |
Crosby | CROSS stung by a BEE |
Crowe | Black CROW |
Crystal | CRYSTALS from her ears |
Cunningham | CUTTING a HAM |
Curt | CURTains from his eyes |
Curtis | Tony CURTIS or CURTains |
Dahlia | DOLL wearing a LEI |
Dakota | DECODER |
Dale | Chip and DALE or TAIL |
Dalton | A DOLL that weighs a TON |
Dan | Hoover DAM or he is TAN |
Dana | DANISH in her mouth |
Danica | DAM CAWing like a crow |
Daniel | TAN NAIL or lion’s DEN |
Danielle | Lion’s DEN YELLING |
Daniels | DAM that is YELLing |
Danny | DEN on a KNEE |
Daphne | DEAF KNEE or Scooby Doo |
Darcy | TAR floating on the SEA |
Darlene | TAR LEAVES |
Darrell | BARREL |
Darren | DEER and WREN |
Dave | DOVE nest or CAVE |
Davey | DAVY Crockett ‘ |
David | DIVOT or CAVE LID |
Davidson | Harley DAVIDSON |
Davis | DIVOTS or Betty DAVIS |
Dawn | Sun rising over her head |
Dean | BEAN |
Deanna | BEAN in her mouth |
Deb | DEAD |
Debbie | Little DEBBIE / DEAD BEE |
Deborah | DEAD BOAR |
Dedee | 2 letter ‘D’ holding hands |
Dee | D’ tattooed on her face |
Deena | DEAN of a school |
Demetria | DIME + MEAT + TREE |
Denise | TIN KNEES |
Dennis | DENTIST pulling teeth |
Denny | Restaurant |
Derek | Oil DEREK from his head |
Desiree | DESERT filled with RAYs |
Devlin | JAVELIN with a big ‘D’ |
Devon | DOVE sitting ON their head |
DeWayne | DRAIN |
Dexter | DECK of cards TEARing |
Diana | DYING ant in/out of mouth |
Diane | DYING ANT falling off head |
Dick | Giant TICK on head |
Dimitri | Test DUMMY by TREE |
Dinah | DINER |
Dirk | DIRT |
Dixie | DIXIE cups |
Dixon | TICK in the SUN |
Dolly | DOLLY Parton or DOLLS |
Dominic | DOMINOES |
Don | TON of bricks on his head |
Donald | Donald Duck on his face |
Donaldson | DONALD Duck in SUN |
Donna | DOUGHNUT on her face |
Donny | DOWN with an ‘E’ |
Dora | DOOR in mouth |
Doris | DOORS |
Dorothy | DOOR w/ TEA spilled on it |
Dot | DOTS on her face |
Dottie | DOT on top of ‘T’s |
Doug | Hole DUG on his forehead |
Douglas | DUG a GLASS |
Drake | DRAPE |
Drew | DREW on or DROOLING |
Duane | DRAIN |
Dustin | DUST pan thrown on face |
Dusty | DUST pan hit over head |
Dwayne | ‘D’ WEIGHing in at a ton |
Dwight | WHITE sheet with ‘D’ on it |
Dylan | Harmonica- Bob Dylan |
Earl | PEARL or OIL |
Ed | Mr. Ed, the talking horse |
Eddie | Hairdo like Eddie Munster |
Edith | EAT a DISH |
Edmund | HEAD MOUNT |
Edward | Giant WART on his HEAD |
Eileen | EYE LEANing or ‘I’ BEAM |
Elaine | PLANE flying into an ‘E’ |
Eleanor | ELF that SNORES |
Eli | EEL with a huge EYE |
Elijah | LYING on his JAW |
Elizabeth | LIZard taking a BATH |
Ellen | ISLAND |
Elliott | An ‘L’ on a YACHT |
Ellis | ELLIS Island or EELS |
Elvis | ELVIS Presley |
Emanuel | MANUAL |
Emily | FAMILY picture necklace |
Emma | STEM with a big ‘A’ |
Eric | EARACHE |
Erica | EAR with a CARD |
Erin | AIR GUN |
Ernest | EAR in a NEST |
Ernie | ERNIE and Bert |
Estella | ?S? in a TILL in her mouth |
Estelle | ‘S’ in a TILL |
Esther | STIRRER |
Ethan | EATING or ETHAN Allen |
Eugene | EWE in JEANS |
Eunice | NOOSE around her neck |
Evans | OVENS |
Eve | Adam and EVE |
Evelyn | HEAVEN |
Everett | Ripping ?Everlast? punch bag |
Faith | FACE |
Fanny | FAN on a KNEE |
Farah | FERRET |
Fay | FRAYED blanket |
Felicia | FLEECE |
Ferguson | FUR GUST in the SUN |
Fern | FERN growing from head |
Fernandez | FERN w/ ant crawling on it |
Fisher | FISH |
Fitzgerald | FIX a CHAIR that's OLD |
Fitzpatrick | FIST hits a PAD on BRICK |
Fleming | Eyes are FLAMING hot |
Fletcher | Flinching face |
Florence | FLOOR ANTS |
Flores | FLOWERS in a RACE |
Floyd | FLOOD or Pink FLOYD |
Flynn | FLYING |
Forrester | FOREST fighter |
Foster | FROSTING on their face |
Francis | FRANCE (Eiffel Tower) |
Frank | FRANKfurter out his nose |
Frankie | FRANKfurter on KEYS |
Frazier | FREEZER |
Fred | FRIED or FRED Flintstone |
Freda | FRITOs (the chips) |
Freddy | FRYing pan for 'E's |
Frederick | Frying a RED BRICK |
Fuller | Gas tank w/ arrow on FULL |
Fulton | FALL on a TON |
Gabby | Talk a lot w/BEE out mouth |
Gabe | APE reading a GAUGE |
Gabriel | ANGEL'S wings and HALO |
Gabriela | CAB and a fishing REEL |
Gail | GALLON of milk in a PAIL |
Gallagher | GALLERY of GEARS |
Garcia | CAR SEAT |
Gardner | GARDENER planting seeds |
Garrett | CARROT |
Garrison | CHAIR in the SUN |
Gary | EARS are GEARS |
Gaston | GAS by the TON |
Gavin | GAVEL |
Gay | Yellow happy face |
Gene | Blue JEANs |
Geoffrey | CHEF cooking in a TREE |
George | Powdered wig -Washington |
Gerald | CHAIR that is OLD |
Gil | Fish GIL |
Gilbert | GILS on a BIRD |
Gina | Blue JEANS in her mouth |
Ginger | GINGER bread man |
Ginny | Bottle of GIN on knee |
Gladys | A HAPPY jackass |
Glen | GLAND |
Glenda | BLENDER |
Gloria | U.S. flag (Old GLORY) |
Gomez | COMB an 'S' |
Gonzales | GONZO (Muppet) w/ LACE |
Goodwin | GOLD TWIN or winning |
Gordie | CORD or GOURD an 'E' |
Gordon | GOURD that weighs a TON |
Grace | GRASS growing from head |
Graham | GRAHAM crackers |
Granger | Park RANGER w/ G on hat |
Grant | GRANITE (rock) |
Gray | Color GRAY |
Grayson | GRAY SUN |
Green | Color GREEN (envy) |
Greer | GEAR |
Greg | KEG of beer over his head |
Gregory | KEG on his KNEE |
Gretchen | GRATEr grating her CHIN |
Griffin | GRIP FINS |
Griffith | GRIP a FISH or 5th booze |
Guerra | GEAR in mouth |
Guillermo | CAMARO car |
Gus | GAS or GUST (of wind) |
Gustavo | GAS STOVE |
Guy | Trail GUIDE |
Gwen | HEN |
Haddon | HAT DEN |
Hal | HAIL |
Haley | HAILEY?s comet |
Hall | HALL'S cough drops |
Hamilton | Huge HAMs melting |
Hannah | HAND out mouth or Banana |
Hansen | HAND touching the SUN |
Harold | HAIR that?s OLD or GOLD |
Harriet | HAIRY RAT |
Harris | HAIRy WRIST |
Harrison | HAIRY SUN |
Harry | HAIR or he IS HAIRY |
Harvey | Rock HARD 'V' |
Hattie | HAT full of TEA |
Hayden | Heap of HAY in the DEN |
Hayes | Farmer loading HAY |
Haynes | HAINES hosiery |
Hazel | HAZEL nuts |
Healey | HELIUM balloons floating |
Heather | FEATHER tickling her nose |
Hector | HECKLER |
Heidi | HIDE a KEY or hide ?E? |
Helen | ISLAND or in Hell |
Helena | LANE to Hell (HELL-LANE) |
Henderson | HEN kicking DIRT at SUN |
Hendricks | HEN on BRICKS |
Henrietta | O'HENRY candy |
Henry | O'HENRY candy bar |
Herb | HERB |
Herbert | Burping HERBs |
Herman | HERMAN Munster |
Hernandez | HERD of ANTS on a DESK |
Hicks | HICCUPS |
Higgins | RIGGINGS with a big 'H' |
Hilda | HILL in her mouth |
Hill | HILL |
Hillary | HILL with ARMY marching |
Hoffman | MAN COUGHing |
Hogan | HOLE in a CAN |
Holden | HOLE in the lion's DEN |
Hollister | HOLLY on a gun holSTER |
Holly | HOLLY leaves and berries |
Homer | HOME RUN |
Hope | Bob HOPE or HOPE chest |
Hopkins | HOP into CANS |
Horace | HORSE |
Horatio | HORSE ATE YOU |
Horton | HAIR piece weighs a TON |
Houston | HOUSE that weighs a TON |
Howard | COWARD |
Howie | HOE and 'E' |
Hoyt | HOIST |
Hubbard | CUPBOARD w/ a big 'H' |
Hubert | HUGE BIRD |
Hugh | Something HUGE on head |
Hughes | HOSE or HUES (of color) |
Hugo | EWE GLOW |
Humphrey | TREE that is HUMming |
Hunt | HUNTing with a gun |
Hutchinson | HUTCH in the SUN |
Ian | E' ON |
Ingram | IN GROUND |
Ingrid | She is IN a GRID |
Irene | I READ books |
Iris | IRIS |
Irving | SERVING |
Irwin | EAR WIND |
Isaac | EYE SACK or EYE SICK |
Isabel | ICE on A BELL on her neck |
Isaiah | EYES or ICE in mouth (aah) |
Ivy | IVY choking her |
Jackie | CHECK marks with a key |
Jackson | Throwing JACKS at SUN |
Jacob | Blue JAY eating a COB |
Jacoby | GRAY COLBY cheese |
Jacqueline | JACK O'LANTERN |
Jacquetta | WET JACK-in-the-box |
Jade | Green stone jewel |
Jamal | JAM in the MALL |
James | CHAINS |
Jamie | CHAIN on your KNEE |
Jan | JAM all over her face |
Jana | Jam in her mouth |
Jane | CHAIN wrapping her up |
Janet | JAM in a NET |
Janice | JAM on ICE in her hair |
Janie | CHAIN around a big 'E' |
Janine | CHAIN around her KNEE |
Jarrett | RAT in CHAIR or CARROT |
Jarrod | CHAIR that is RED |
Jarvis | JAR that is FIZZing |
Jasmine | JAZZ MAN |
Jason | Blue JAY burned by SUN |
Jay | Blue JAY pecking on face |
Jaylynn | Blue JAY in a BIN |
Jean | Blue JEANS |
Jeanette | JEANS tangled in a NET |
Jeanie | GENIE coming out of ears |
Jeanine | GENIE in a bottle |
Jed | SHED |
Jeff | CHEF'S hat or JIFF |
Jefferies | CHEF making FRIES |
Jefferson | CHEF FURS in the SUN |
Jeffrey | CHEF stuck in a TREE |
Jen | Bottle of GIN |
Jenkins | CHAIN of CANS |
Jenna | Gin bottle in her mouth |
Jennifer | GIN bottle covered in FUR |
Jennings | CHAINs dripping with INK |
Jenny | GIN poured over her knees |
Jeremiah | CHAIR in eye and mouth |
Jeremy | GERMS all over him |
Jerold | CHAIR that is OLD |
Jerome | CHAIR ROOM |
Jerry | CHERRY |
Jesse | Jesse James wanted poster |
Jessica | Chess & Key in her mouth |
Jessie | CHESS pieces with 'E' |
Jewel | JEWELs |
Jill | JAIL |
Jillian | JAIL carried by ANTS |
Jim | GYM shoes on his neck |
Jimmy | Chimichanga or Chimney |
Jo | GI JOE or a cup of coffee |
Jo Ann | GI JOE covered in ANTS |
Joan | JOAN of Arc |
Joanie | JOAN of Arc with ?E? |
Joanna | GI JOE in ANTS in mouth |
Joanne | GI JOE shooting an ANT |
Jodi | GI JOE throwing a Disc |
Joe | GI JOE or COFFEE |
Joel | Coffee dunking elves |
Joey | Kangaroo or CHEWY |
John | Toilet turned on his head |
Johnny | TOILET (john) on his KNEE |
Johnson | SUN falling into a toilet |
Jolene | Cup of JOE that is leaning |
Jonah | WHALE |
Jonathan | Very THIN toilet (JOHN) |
Jones | Blue Jay eating Bones |
Joni | TOILET (john) on KNEE |
Jordan | JAR made of TIN |
Jose | HOSE around his face |
Joseph | A COAT of MANY COLORS |
Josephine | GI JOE in a latrine |
Josh | Judge (phonetic) |
Joshua | Sloppy JOE in mouth |
Josie | GI JOE doll swim in sea |
Joy | JOY dish soap |
Joyce | JUICE spitting from mouth |
Juanita | ONE KNEE and a TOE |
Judith | CHEWING on DISH |
Julia | JEWELS in mouth |
Julian | JEWEL carried by an ANT |
Juliana | JULIENNE style potatoes |
Julie | LEAVES full of JEWELS |
Juliet | JEWels stuck in a NET |
Julio | JEWEL that is LOW |
Julius | JEWEL on an (jack) ASS |
June | JUNE bug |
Junior | JUNIOR Mints candy |
Justin | JUSTIN ropers |
Kaitlin | Rubbing a GATE with LINT |
Kaleigh | Key in LEAVES |
Kami | CAMERA on her KNEES |
Kaplan | CAP LAND |
Kara | CARE BEAR |
Karen | Carrying a wren |
Karl | Body builder doing CURL?s |
Karla | CAR singing ?la-la? |
Kasey | SuitCASE with ?E? on it |
Kate | GATE slamming in her face |
Katelyn | Rubbing a GATE with LINT |
Katherine | CAT wearing a RING |
Kathleen | CAT LEANing |
Kathy | CAT drinking TEA |
Katrina | Cat using the LATRINE |
Katy | TEA through a GATE |
Kaufman | MAN with a bad COUGH |
Kay | KEY or SPECIAL ?K? cereal |
Kayla | KEY in mouth |
Keaton | KEY that weighs a TON |
Keegan | GUN shaped like a KEY |
Keenon | KEY held by NUN |
Keith | Key dangling from teeth |
Keller | COLOR or Helen KELLER |
Kelly | Painted KELLY GREEN |
Kelsey | KELp floating on SEA |
Kemp | CAMP |
Ken | KEN doll or a CAN |
Kendall | KEN DOLL or CANDLE |
Kendra | KEN doll DRAWING face |
Kennedy | CAN of TEA |
Kenneth | CAN stuck in a NET |
Kenny | CAN stuck on their KNEE |
Kent | KEN in tent or Clark KENT |
Keogh | KEY HOLE or O-shaped key |
Keri | CARRY an ?E? |
Kern | KERNEL of corn |
Kerns | KERNELS of corn |
Kerr | CAR drive on curve of face |
Kerry | CARRYING an ?E? |
Kevin | CALF with a FIN |
Kim | ?K? SWIM thru hair or CAN |
Kimball | CAN of BALLS |
Kimberly | CAN of BURRS in leaves |
Kimi | KISS ME |
King | KING's crown |
Kingsley | KING of LEAVES |
Kinney | CAN stuck on their KNEE |
Kirby | CURB filled with BEES |
Kirk | KICK or ?Captain KIRK? |
Kirsten | SKIRT made out of TIN |
Kirsty | Cursing because thirsty |
Kite | Flying a KITE |
Kitty | KITTEN |
Klein | CLIMB or Calvin KLEIN |
Knapp | NAP or a KNAP sack |
Knox | KNOCKS on the head |
Kona | CONE out her mouth |
Kramer | CREAMER |
Krause | SAUERKRAUT or Craig (!) |
Krista | CROSS in mouth |
Kristen | CROSS on a tent |
Kristina | Ballerina with a cross |
Kristine | She is PRISTINE |
Kristopher | CROSS of FUR |
Kurt | CURTain |
Kyle | COW |
Kyra | (kee-ra) Roaring key |
Lacy | LACY panties |
Lafferty | LAUGHING TEA bags |
Lambert | LAMB eating a BIRD |
Lana | LANE into her mouth |
Lance | LANCE Armstrong |
Landau | DOUGH on LAND |
Landon | LAND ON his head |
Lang | LONG |
Langer | LONG GIRL |
Langston | LONG STONE |
Larkin | LARK stuck inside a CAN |
Larry | Lariat or Lair/den of ?E? |
Larson | ARSON with a big 'L' |
Latoya | Sing LA LA in a TOYOTA |
Lauder | LOUDER |
Laura/Lora | Fishing LURE in mouth (ah) |
Laurel | LURE nailed to forehead |
Lauren | WREN hiding LOW in hair |
Laurence | LURE catching ANTS |
Lauri | Fishing LURE in her chEEk |
Laverne | BURN or LOVE an URN |
Lavonne | A heart ON (LOVE ON) |
Lawson | LAW in the SUN |
Leah | Hawaiian LEI in mouth |
Lee | Pair of LEE jeans |
Leelah | Singing EEL (eel la) |
Lehman | LEI on a MAN |
Lehmann | Sarah LEE as a MAN |
Leland | LEE jeans on the LAND |
Len | Camera LENS |
Lenny | A LENSE on a KNEE |
Lenore | LEE jeans that SNORE |
Leo | LION |
Leon | LEAN ON |
Leonard | Camera LENS in a YARD |
Leoni | LION eating MACARONI |
Leroy | LEAVEs ROLLing |
Les | LESS - (subtraction sign) |
Leslie | LIST of LEAVES |
Lester | LESS TEARs |
Leventhal | LEAVEs THAWing |
Levitt | LEAVES on a corVETTE |
Levy | LEVEE or LEVI jeans |
Lewis | LOOSE knot |
Libby | A BEE on her LIP |
Lieberman | LABOR MAN |
Lillian | LILY with ANTS on it |
Lily | LILY |
Lincoln | Pennies as eyes or Abe |
Linda | LINT in mouth or a window |
Lindsey | LINT floating on the SEA |
Lindstrom | LINT STRUMming a banjo |
Lionel | LION eating a nail |
Lisa | Mona Lisa or a LASSO |
Liz | LIZARD |
Lizzy | A LIZARD with ?E? on it |
Lloyd | Very LOUD speaking |
Logan | LOW CAN or CAN of LOGs |
Lois | LOW FLYING 'S' |
Lola | Sing ?la? very LOW |
Lonnie | LAWN on his KNEE |
Lopez | PEZ dispenser or J. Lopez |
Lorena | Low RAIN out of mouth |
Loretta | Red Fish LURE in mouth |
Lori | Fishing LURE falling to knee |
Lorna | ORNAMENT |
Lorraine | LOW RAIN |
Lou | BLUE or FLUTE |
Louis | LOUVERS |
Louisa | WHEEZING |
Louise | LOW EASEL |
Lovell | LEVEL |
Lovett | LOW CorVETTE |
Lowell | LOW WELL or a LOW 'L' |
Lu Ann | ANT playing a FLUTE |
Lucas | LOW KISS or spit MUCUS |
Lucian | LOOSE SHIN |
Lucille | LOOSE SEAL |
Lucinda | LOOSE CINDER |
Lucy | LUCILLE (LUCY) Ball |
Ludwig | LOAD WIG or LUG a WIG |
Luis | LOOSE or Jerry LEWIS |
Luke | LUKE warm water |
Luther | ROOFER nailing 'L's |
Lydia | Her head opening like a LID |
Lyle | Lying in an AISLE |
Lynda | LINT in mouth |
Lyndon | TON of LINT |
Lynette | LINT stuck in a NET |
Lynn | Lint |
Mabel | MAPLE syrup |
Macgregor | Big MAC in a CRATER |
Mack | Big MAC |
Mackenzie | Big MAC in the letter 'Z' |
Macklin | Big MAC covered with LINT |
MacLeod | Big MAC raining CLOUD?s |
Madden | A DEN full of MAD lions |
Maddie | MAD at the letter 'E' |
Maddox | A very MAD OX |
Madeline | MAT made of LINEs |
Madge | BADGE in shape of M |
Madison | MEDICINE |
Mae | MAY pole (calendar=flower) |
Magdalene | MAGAZINE |
Maggie | MAG pie on her chEEk |
Malcolm | MAIL COMB |
Mallory | MALLARD duck on knee |
Malone | MA (mother) is ALONE |
Mandy | MAN drinking TEA |
Manning | MAN covered in INK |
Manny | MAN falling to his KNEES |
Manuel | MAN in a WELL |
Marcella | Playing Cello on Mars |
Marcia | Marshmallow out mouth |
Marcie | MARCHING 'C's |
Marcus | MUCOUS |
Marcy | MARCHING 'C's |
Margaret | MARKET or MARGARINE |
Margarita | MARGARITA |
Marge | BARGE across her face |
Margie | MARCHING 'E's |
Maria | MARE in her mouth |
Marian | Raggedy ANN riding MARE |
Marianne | 2 ANTS getting MARRIED |
Marie | MARE with a big 'E' |
Marietta | Machete |
Marilyn | MARILYN Monroe dancing |
Marin | MARE stuck IN eye |
Marina | MARINA (for boats) |
Mario | Check MARK on letter 'O' |
Marion | Wedding dress |
Marisol | PARASOL |
Marissa | MARS candy bar on a SAW |
Marjorie | MARCHING JURY |
Mark | MARKER |
Marlene | MARs candy LEANing |
Marlow | A MA (mother) that is LOW |
Marsh | MARCHING |
Marshall | Sheriff eating marshmallows |
Martha | MOTH in mouth |
Martin | MARTIAN |
Martina | MARTINI glass in mouth |
Martinez | MARTINIS |
Marty | Check MARK in cup of TEA |
Marv | CARVE an 'M' into his face |
Marvin | MARVIN the Martian |
Mary | MERRY-go-round |
Mary Ann | 2 ANTS getting MARRIED |
Mary Ellen | MARRY a MELON |
Mary Joe | MERRY-go-round w/ coffee |
Mary Lou | MERRY-go-round is BLUE |
Mason | MASON jar |
Matheson | MAT drying in the SUN |
Matilda | MAT that has been TILLED |
Matt | Welcome MAT |
Matthew | Sheep adding MATH EWE |
Matthews | MAT made of EWES |
Matthias | Praying MANTAS |
Mattie | Door MAT |
Maude | MUD splattered on her face |
Maureen | MARINE |
Maurice | MORE RICE |
Maury | MORAY EEL |
Mavis | MAY pole with a VISE |
Max | Being MIXed by an mixer |
Maxine | MINING |
Maxwell | MAXWELL House coffee |
Mayer | MAYOR |
Maynard | MANE covered in LARD |
McAllister | Big MAC in gun HOLSTER |
McCormick | A favorite McCormick spice |
McCoy | DECOY that is a big 'M' |
McDaniel | MICkey on DAM YELLing |
McDonald | Ronald McDONALD |
McGee | Big MAC with a KEY |
McGrath | Big MAC eaten by a RAT |
McKay | Big MAC in hay |
McKinley | Big MAC burned KINDLING |
McLaughlin | Big MAC LAUGHING |
Meg | NutMEG |
Mel | MAIL in his mouth |
Melanie | WaterMELON on her knee |
Melissa | MOLASSES |
Melody | Musical notes |
Melvin | MELT in a VAN |
Mercedes | MERCEDES Benz |
Meredith | MARE in a DISH |
Merrill | MARE (horse) that is ILL |
Merry | MERRY-go-round |
Metcalf | MEAT CALF |
Meyer | MIRROR or MY EYE |
Meyers | MIRRORs or MY EYES |
Michael | MICHAEL archangel |
Michaels | Many angels wings |
Michelle | MISSLE?s on her ears |
Mickey | MICKEY Mouse |
Miguel | KNEE bit by SEAGULL |
Miles | Odometer counting MILES |
Miller | Bottle of MILLER beer |
Millicent | MILLIPEDE on a penny |
Milton | MELT a TON |
Mimi | Grandma in her moo-moo |
Mindy | MINTS dunked in TEA |
Minnie | MINNIE Mouse |
Miranda | Mirror on the veranda |
Missy | MISTY morning |
Misty | MISTY hair |
Mitch | Baseball MITT |
Mitchell | Baseball MITT w/ a SHELL |
Mitzi | Oven MITT in the SEA |
Molly | Black MOLLY fish |
Mona | Mowing the lawn |
Monahan | MAN with a huge HAND |
Monica | A harMONICA |
Monique | MOAN that is UNIQUE |
Monroe | Marilyn MONROE |
Monte | MOUNTAIN |
Montgomery | MOUND of GUM and HAIR |
Monty | The full MONTY |
Moore | A lawn MOWER |
Morales | Many OWLs with LICE |
Morgan | An ORGAN |
Morris | MORRIS the cat |
Morrison | MORE RICE in the SUN |
Morrow | Bone MARROW |
Morton | Salt |
Muriel | MURAL |
Murphy | A MURPHY bed |
Murray | MORE RAYs |
Myra | MY RUG |
Myrna | MYHNA bird |
Myrtle | TURTLE looking in mirror |
Nadia | NODDING |
Nadine | NETTING |
Nancy | NUN in the SEA |
Naomi | KNEEING ME |
Nash | GNAT w/ ASH on forehead |
Nat | GNAT |
Natalia | GNAT & FLEA in mouth (ah) |
Natalie | GNAT and FLEA on knee |
Natasha | KNOT in SASH out mouth |
Nate | KNOT |
Nathaniel | Tan Gnat Yelling |
Ned | NET |
Neil | NAIL pounded into his face |
Nelson | NAILS falling from the SUN |
Newman | NEW MAN |
Newton | Fig NEWTON |
Nicholson | NICKELS falling from SUN |
Nick | NICK (cut) while shaving |
Nicklaus | Nickels on glasses |
Nicole | NICKELS glued to her face |
Nicolette | NICKEL on a NET |
Nigel | NIGHT time GEL in his hair |
Nikki | NICKs (cuts) made w/ KEY |
Nina | NUN saying ?aahhh? |
Nixon | NICKS in SUN or Richard |
Noah | NOAH's Ark |
Noel | NOSE with a 'L' |
Nora | SNORE |
Norm | Worm |
Norma | Worm in mouth |
Norman | Worm-man |
O'Hara | O' in their HAIR |
O'Neil | KNEELing on wakeboard |
O'Reilly | OAR that is OILY |
O?Brien | BRAIN with a big 'O' in it |
Olga | OGRE |
Olive | OLIVE instead of nose |
Oliver | OLIVE in ear |
Olivia | Jar of OLIVE oil in mouth |
Olsen | OLD SUN |
Orlando | OAR on the LAND |
Orson | OAR in the SUN |
Ortiz | OARs stuck in a TREE |
Oscar | Academy award or Grouch |
Otis | OTIS elevator |
Owen | O-RING or OWEN sausage |
Padgett | PATCH IT |
Paige | PAGER or book PAGE |
Pam | Spray PAM or a PAN |
Pamela | PANELING in mouth |
Parker | Valet PARKER |
Pasqual | PASSING a KOALA |
Pat | PAT of butter |
Patricia | PAT of butter on a BRICK |
Patrick | Shamrock |
Patterson | BATTER cooked in SUN |
Patty | Hamburger PATTY |
Paul | BALL or POLE |
Paula | BALL or POLE in mouth |
Paulette | BALL or POLE that is WET |
Pauline | POLE LEANING |
Pearce | PIERCE |
Pearl | PEARLS in her eyes |
Pearson | SUN shaped like a PEAR |
Pedro | PAYROLL |
Peg | PEG sticking from eyes |
Peggy | PEG falling to her knee |
Penny | PENNIES instead of eyes |
Perkins | PERKING pot of coffee |
Perry | PEAR falling to knees |
Pete | PEAT moss |
Peter | Egg BEATER |
Peters | Crying TEARS of PEAS |
Peterson | BEATER beating the SUN |
Phil | FILLed with gasoline |
Phillip | PHILLIPS head screwdriver |
Phyllis | FILLED with DUST |
Pierre | PEA in HAIR |
PJ | PJs (pajamas) on his head |
Polly | Parrot or PULLEY |
Porter | Boat PORT or a PORTER |
Powell | PA in a WELL |
Powers | POWER tools |
Preston | PRESS a TON |
Price | PRICE tag |
Prince | The musical artist PRINCE |
Priscilla | Priscilla curtains |
Quentin | Queen who weighs a ton |
Quincy | Queen floating in SEA |
Quinn | QUINtuplets |
Rachel | KILL with a RAKE |
Ralph | RAFT being inflated |
Ramirez | RAM with long EARS |
Ramona | MOANing thru RAM's horn |
Randall | Ran into a DOLL |
Randolph | Ran into a DOLPHIN |
Randy | RAM drinking TEA |
Raphael | RAFT over a FALL |
Raquel | ROCK that can KILL |
Raul | WALL |
Ray | RAY of light shining |
Raymond | RAIN on a MOUNTAIN |
Reagan | RAY GUN |
Reba | ?McEntire? or RIB in mouth |
Rebecca | WoodPECKER and RIBS |
Redman | MAN that is painted RED |
Reed | REED or READ |
Reese | REESE?s candy |
Reggie | RED 'G' |
Regina | REACH for a GENIE |
Reginald | RED GOLD or RED WALL |
Reiss | RICE |
Renee | RAIN on an 'A' |
Reuben | REUBEN sandwich |
Rex | WRECKs his car |
Reynolds | REYNOLDS wrap |
Rhodes | ROADS |
Rhonda | RUNS saying ?ta DAH!? |
Ricardo | BRICK in a YARD |
Rich | Gold coins stacked on head |
Richard | RICH-HERD cattle w/jewelry |
Richardson | RICH YARDS in the SUN |
Richie | He?s RICH riding an ?E?(pix) |
Rick | BRICK |
Ricky | BRICK smashed over an 'E' |
Riley | LEAVES of RYE bread |
Rita | Pulling REEDS out of mouth |
Rob | Wearing a ROBber's mask |
Robby | ROBber shooting a BB gun |
Roberson | ROBBER laying in SUN |
Robert | ROBOT |
Roberta | ROBED BIRD in her mouth |
Roberts | ROBOTS |
Robin | Red ROBIN nesting in hair |
Robinson | ROBIN flying into the SUN |
Rochelle | ROW of SHELLS |
Rod | Fishing ROD poking eye |
Roderick | ROD and BRICK |
Rodney | ROD and KNEE |
Rodriguez | Fishing ROD doing TRICKS |
Roger | ROGER Rabbit |
Roland | ROW on LAND or keyboard |
Romero | ROOM filled with ARROWs |
Ron | RUM dripping from his face |
Ronald | RONALD McDonald |
Ronnie | RUNNY nose |
Rory | Roaring ?E? (pix for E) |
Rosa | ROSE growing out of mouth |
Rosalie | ROSE growing out of LEaf |
Rosalind | ROSE covering LAND |
Rose | ROSE (your joking, right?) |
Rose Marie | ROSE on a MARE |
Rosemary | ROSEMARY herbs |
Rosie | ROSEY cheeks |
Rosita | ROSE EATER |
Ross | Betsy ROSS sewing a flag |
Roxanne | ROCKs w/pix for Ann (ant) |
Roxie | ROCKs falling to her knees |
Roy | ROY Orbison or Roll |
Ruben | RUEBEN sandwich |
Ruby | RUBY slippers from OZ |
Rudolph | Reindeer |
Russ | RUSH or RUST |
Ruth | Baby RUTH candy |
Ruth Ann | ANT carrying a Baby RUTH |
Ryan | CRYING |
Sabina | SAVE A BEE |
Sabrina | SAW BRIE and GNAW it |
Sadie | SHADE TREE |
Sally | SALad being tossed |
Salvatore | SALT on a MATADOR |
Sam | Uncle SAM hat on head |
Samantha | Uncle SAM ANT in mouth |
Sammy | Uncle SAM on his KNEE |
Samuel | Uncle SAM on MULE |
Sanchez | SAND bags on a CHEST |
Sanders | Col. SANDERS |
Sandy | SAND falling to her knee?s |
Santiago | SAND in TEA driving AUTO |
Sarah | Cheerleader SAYing RAH! |
Sasha | SASH in mouth |
Saunders | SAUNA DOORS |
Savannah | Soft VAN in mouth |
Scarlett | SCAR from lead |
Schmidt | A SHY MITT |
Scott | SCOTCH tape |
Sean | YAWNing |
Sebastian | Submarine in Ocean |
Selma | Jail CELL with MA in it |
Serena | SIREN in mouth |
Sergio | SIR holding a 'G' and an 'O' |
Shane | CHAIN on mouth like a gag |
Shannon | CANNON in her mouth |
Shantel | CHANDELIER |
Shari | CHAIR shaped like an 'E' |
Sharon | CHAIR RUNning |
Shauna | SAUNA |
Shaw | SHAWL |
Shawn | Picture him YAWNING |
Shay | SHADE or HAY |
Sheila | SHIELD in her mouth |
Sheila | SHIELD in mouth |
Shelby | Sea SHELL stung by a BEE |
Sheldon | SHELL that weights a TON |
Shelly | Sea SHELL on her neck |
Shelton | SHELL made of TIN |
Sherman | GERMAN |
Sherri | SHERRY wine over her |
Sherrice | CHAIR filled with RICE |
Shiloh | Barn SILO |
Shirley | SHIRT with an 'E' on front |
Sidney | SIT on a KNEE |
Sierra | Sierra desert |
Simmons | CINNAMON |
Simms | SEAMS or SHINS |
Simon | SIMON says or man sighing |
Simpson | SIMPSON cartoons |
Skip | SKIPpy peanut butter |
Skyler | SKY is filled with LARKs |
Smith | BlackSMITH?s anvil |
Snead | SNEEZE |
Snell | SMELL or a SNAIL |
Snyder | SIDE DOOR or CIDER |
Solomon | SILO / SOLO MAN |
Sonia | SONY walkman in mouth |
Sonya | SAUNA or SUN in mouth |
Sophia | SOFA out of mouth |
Sophie | E-shaped SOFA w/ ?E? on it |
Spencer | SUSPENDER |
Stacey | STAYS |
Stan | Night STAND on his head |
Stanley | STANLEY tools |
Stella | CELLAR door into mouth |
Stephanie | Walking with STIFF-KNEES |
Steve | STOVE |
Steven | STOVE burning FANS |
Stevens | STOVE with FINS |
Stewart | STEWARD (airline) |
Stu | STEW |
Sue | SUIT or CHEWing |
Sue Ann | CHEWing ANTS |
Sumner | SUMMER |
Susan | Lazy SUSAN |
Susannah | SNOOZIN' |
Susanne | SUIT w/ ANTS |
Susie | SUIT w/ ?E? or Z (sleep z?s) |
Sutton | SETTING |
Sylvester | SILVER VEST |
Sylvia | SILVER mouth |
Tad | TADpole |
Tamara | CAMERA |
Tammy | TAN ?E? |
Tanner | Laying in TANning bed |
Tanya | TONGUE |
Tara | TEARING paper w/ teeth |
Tasha | A TOE with ASHES |
Taylor | Tiny TAILOR sews his lips |
Ted | Small TEDdy bear |
Teddy | A large TEDDY bear |
Teresa | TREES in her mouth |
Terrence | TEAR ANTS |
Terri | TERRY cloth |
Tess | TEST given on her face |
Tessa | TEST in her mouth |
Thelma | HELMET |
Theodore | TEA on a DOOR |
Theresa | TREE SIGHING (H) |
Thomas | THERMOS |
Thompson | Turkey burned in the SUN |
Tiffany | TWO FANS on her ears |
Tim | TIN man of Wizard of Oz |
Timmy | TIN on his KNEE |
Timothy | TIN MOTH TIED to him |
Tina | TUNA |
TJ | TEA drank by a blue JAY |
Tobias | TOE waving BYE at us |
Toby | TOE with a BEE |
Todd | TOAD hoping on his head |
Tom | Male turkey or TOM-TOM |
Tommy | TOMMY GUN |
Tompkins | THUMB CANS |
Tony | TONY the Tiger |
Tonya | TONGUE |
Torres | Ford TAURUS |
Tracy | TRACE an 'E' or a TRAY |
Travis | TRAVERSE rod |
Trent | R' shaped TENT |
Trenton | TRAIN pulls 1 TON weight |
Trevor | TREMMER (earthquake) |
Trish | TRASH CAN |
Trisha | TRASH CAN in mouth |
Troy | TOY |
Trudy | BLUE cup of TEA |
Truman | TRAIN MAN |
Turner | Pancake TURNER |
Tuttle | TURTLE |
Twyla | TWILIGHT |
Tyler | Man lay TILES on his face |
Tyra | TIRE in mouth |
Tyrone | Neck TIE ROWING |
Tyson | Neck TIE around the SUN |
Upton | Holding UP a TON weight |
Val | VALVE stem |
Valdez | VEIL on a DESK |
Valentine | VALENTINE card |
Valeria | BALLERINA |
Valerie | VALLEY |
Vance | VANS crashing into his face |
Vanessa | VAN in a NEST in mouth |
Vargas | FUR on GAS cans |
Vaughn | FAWN |
Veda | VELVEETA cheese - mouth |
Vera | FUR covered with 'A's |
Vern | FERN out of his head |
Vernon | FUR coat on a NUN |
Vic | VICKS (cough syrup) |
Vicky | VICKs cough drops |
Victor | VICTROLA in mouth |
Victoria | VICTORIA's Secret |
Vince | FENCE |
Vincent | FENCE with MINTS |
Vinnie | WINNIE the Pooh |
Violet | VIOLET (flower & color) |
Virginia | FUR stained by GIN |
Vivian | WE WIN tattooed on her |
Vonnie | VAN hitting a KNEE |
Wade | Wading in a pool |
Wagner | WAGON |
Walker | Baby WALKER |
Wallace | WALL filled with LACE |
Wally | WALL-EYED |
Walt | WALT Disney |
Walter | WAITER |
Walters | WAITERS |
Walton | WALL made out of TIN |
Wanda | Magic WAND in her mouth |
Ward | WART |
Warren | WARDEN |
Washington | George WASHINGTON |
Watkins | WET / RED CANS |
Watson | Bulb (Watt) explodes SUN |
Wayne | John WAYNE or RAIN |
Wells | Deep wishing WELL |
Wendy | WINDY or WENDY's food |
Wesley | WET LEAVES |
West | VEST |
White | The color WHITE |
Whitman | WET MAN |
Wilkinson | MILKING the SUN |
Will | WELL on top of his head |
William | WELL shooting out yams |
Williams | WELL of YAMS |
Williamson | WELL of YAMS in the SUN |
Willie | Willie Nelson or ?Free Willy? |
Willis | WELL filled with 'S's |
Wilson | WELL in SUN or volleyball |
Winnie | WINNIE the Pooh |
Wood | 2 x 4 piece of WOOD |
Woods | Forest of trees |
Woody | WOOD carved into an 'E' |
Wright | PEN WRITING on the face |
Xavier | An AXE and a BEER |
Yolanda | YO-YO attached to WAND |
Young | A YOUNG child |
Yvette | Young/little Corvette or ?E?? |
Yvonne | Young Fawn or ?E? Fawn ? |
Zachariah | SACK of RYE out of mouth |
Zachary | SACK that is HAIRY |
Zack | SACK tied over his head |
Zane | INSANE |
Zena | The warrior princess |
Zimmerman | SIMMERing a MINT |
Zoe | SOW an E on her face |