Hi, this is Craig.  I wanted to take a moment and introduce you to our guest blogger this week, Erica Wiley of www.profitgeeks.org. I had the pleasure of working with Erica when her team designed our  new website back in 2011.  Her newsletter and blog are, by far,  some of  THE BEST training you can receive in that format.  We trust her knowledge and skills.  Please rad the following and benefit from what they offer.

Niche: It’s Only Bad If You Pick The Wrong People

What would it look like if each one of your clients were the “perfect client?”

What would it do for your business to be full throttle, doing the work you love and not slowed down by miscommunication or unmet expectations with your customers?

You can have that, but it’s going to come at a price. You need to get clear on your niche.

“Oh no!” you say? But your service is beneficial for everybody? That may be so, but let’s turn the table. Not everybody is beneficial for your business. Bad client matches are like poison and can leave you and your business crippled.  And that’s not the vision you formulated just a moment ago.

Finding Mr. & Mrs. Right

Being clear about the specific group that your service is best for (you niche) is not about exclusion. On the contrary, the focus is on who is included. What shape is the matching puzzle piece? What color? What size? Because what puzzle have you ever put together that is a one-size-fits all?

You see where I’m going with this, right? If you can articulate your niche to me, I can design you a website that would attract that market. I could write copy using words that resonates with those people. You could start attending only the events your people attend and approach them confidently addressing their concerns, because you know them.

Forgive me if I’m getting ahead of myself; my passion about this topic is quite fierce because it revolutionizes a business once you “get it.”

I want to assure you that clarifying your niche is necessary and simple. And I deliberately say “clarify” and not “find” because it isn’t something you have to look for. You already know what it is, but you have to articulate it verbally to someone else and also through written word. So lean in close, because I’m going to tell you how you know…

It’s who you get really excited to work with. It’s that client that you’d clone if you could. It’s the person that best appreciates and resonates with the how & why of your company.

Cancel Your Appointment With the Matchmaker

Yep, that simple. No hype. No gurus needed.

What is needed is action. The first step is what we just went through, identify and label your target market. The following steps begin with research and end with making an offer they won’t refuse because they’ve pretty much put it together for you.

I’ve put together a resource just for you, a live teleclass to help you demystify your niche and clarify your offer to a market eager to work with you. It’s called PROFITfoundations: 3 Steps to Get More Confidence, Clients & Cash and it’s my gift to you.

Register Now

Don’t spend another day wondering who to call, what paper to advertise in or what events to attend. Register NOW and get set for more Confidence, Clients & Cash in 2013.

Erica Wiley is Co- Founder and President of PROFITGEEKS, a web development & marketing firm. With 10 years of sales & marketing training, she helps her clients build online business presences that attract leads and generate new sales. When she’s away from her desk, she’s chasing after her three boys and her dream of playing guitar.

*Please note this material is copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without consent from author. You are encouraged however to share the original blog link via email and social media.